Trekking Switzerland

The “Switch” Knot

swiss trip

The marked knot is called a switch (Weiche in German). A 15-20 cm gap is left between the main knot on the harness and the switch.

It is a “cow hitch” knot. The knot itself is not what matters, but rather the 15-20 cm play.

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Dan slides (we ignore the person after Dan).

If Gicu has a switch, then Dan will only jerk Ion. Therefore, Ion only needs to stop Dan’s sliding. Gicu is not affected by Dan’s movement.

If Gicu does not have a switch, then Dan will first jerk Gicu, and then Gicu will jerk Ion. Therefore, Ion must stop both Gicu and Dan.

Without a switch

The middle point (Gicu) is moved as soon as the ends of the rope move (Ion and Dan).

With a switch

The middle point (Gicu) remains stationary, even though the rope ends (Ion and Dan) move up to 15-20 cm.